This work delves into the mutations of the human body and mortality under the influence of technological advancements and informational overload. The body, once defined by tangible boundaries—skin, finitude, space — dissolves into a continuous process of symbolic and material reconstruction, pushing its limits into undefined territories. The relentless generation of data destabilizes the notion of the present, rendering it an ephemeral interval, perpetually on the brink of obsolescence. The human drive to transcend death — to abstract itself from time and achieve an artificial eternity — emerges as an impulse for reconfiguration, where the body ceases to be a static entity and becomes a flowing archive, vulnerable to rewriting and erasure. In this horizon, memory gives way to the volatility of data, and death, now disarticulated, is replaced by systematic erasures. This work operates at that threshold, exploring the fragility of the present as a node that connects the expansion of the body and the contraction of individuality, oscillating between the promise of infinitude and imminent disintegration.